- in rank_base.py Experience.stroe give a simple description of store replay memory, or you can also refer rank_base_test.py
- It's more convenient to store replay as format (state_1, action_1, reward, state_2, terminal). If we use this method, all replay memory in Experience are legal and can be sampled as we like.
- run it with python3
use binary heap tree as priority queue, and build an Experience class to store and retrieve the sample
* All interfaces are in rank_based.py
* init conf, please read Experience.__init__ for more detail, all parameters can be set by input conf
* replay sample store: Experience.store
params: [in] experience, sample to store
returns: bools, True for success, False for failed
* replay sample sample: Experience.sample
params: [in] global_step, used for cal beta
experience, list of samples
w, list of weight
rank_e_id, list of experience's id, used for update priority value
* update priority value: Experience.update
[in] indices, rank_e_ids
[in] delta, new TD-error
you can find the implementation here: proportional
- "Prioritized Experience Replay" http://arxiv.org/abs/1511.05952
- Atari by @Kaixhin, Atari uses torch to implement rank-based algorithm.
- TEST1 PASSED: These code has been applied to my own NLP DQN experiment, it significantly improves performance.