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Miguel Cuesta Martínez edited this page Mar 1, 2022 · 3 revisions


  • López Hernández, Sebastián.
  • Alonso Ferreiro, Luis Miguel.
  • Álvarez Díaz, Daniel.
  • González Méndez, Jesús.

Open Issues

Review state of tasks

These tasks have been completed

Decisions Taken

  • Edit documentation:

1: Add teacher Pablo. Address*

2: Remove Node from technical constraints.

3: Correos API should appear in the diagram (every external part should appear in fact). Database(MongoDB) is an internal part. React s a framework that works with typescript optionally.

4: Think about how we're gonna access MongoDB, RestAPI that can access it and runs on the server(Node is a good option).

5: The React app cannot access the database withput external help.

6: We're accessing the POD from the server, it is a valid option.

7: POD deployment is external, but it is okay.

9: We have to explain why we chose MongoDB but not explaining WHAT is the service. Specify things that we LIKE and DISLIKE.

  • Development of the prototype:

Internationalization gets locale. We can also change it through a button. Look for info about database translation.

Database product definition: ID, price, description, cathegory?

Shopping Cart and My Orders(Both scrollable, rest of views with pagination).

Learn technologies with small examples.