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MM_05 03 2020

Daniel Finca edited this page Mar 5, 2020 · 2 revisions

Date: 05/03/2020


  • Diego Ramírez Amandi
  • Óscar Sánchez Campo
  • Jesús Quesada Matilla
  • Pablo Fernández Martínez
  • Nicolás Mencía Gómez
  • Daniel Finca Martínez


As the main objective of today's session, we presented each other's contribution to the project. A nav bar, card list for the route and map display, we also featured a login mechanism yet to be tested.

We also decided to distribute components and functionalities to implement for next week's prototype. Here is a breakdown of such distribution:

  • Óscar will take care of the usage, display and manipulation of leaflet's map management library. Creating and defining reusable components to be used in other areas of the application, such as on the routes listing.
  • Diego will create the complete main screen of our application, he will also sort out on how to use the SOLID login mechanism.
  • Jesús will implement a router mechanism that allows us to compose our application with many pages. Each of these will represent one separate functionality to viade using created components and React packages. He will also establish view linking; say with buttons routing to certain page, nav bar links to different views, etc.
  • Nicolás will design and implement the profile page of our application and will also design a logo to display somewhere on the app.
  • Pablo will do some research on how to use ldflex to access the POD and retrieve the routes from there. In addition to this, he will also read the standard to see how we can adapt to it and start route creation.
  • Daniel will finish the implementation of the route listing interface including the maps that will be developed by Óscar, also accepting the routes from Pablo's research from the POD. As this is kind of dependant on other's progress, he will try to create a route creation view. This view will allow the users to create new routes using an interactive tool. Something close to a drag and drop mechanism.

We also decided to use Bootstrap and React-Bootstrap to design our user interfaces so that styles are (or at least look) professional in some way.