What's Changed
- Chore: Fixed error in cardinality by @UO283615 in #204
- Solved the link of the API docu in the lateral menu by @gony02 in #218
- HTTPS enablement by @jjgancfer in #224
- New question type by @UO283615 in #223
- feat: game configuration by @Toto-hitori in #228
- Feat/user details by @sergioqfeg1 in #230
- Statistics and Rules UI redesign by @sergiorodriguezgarcia in #231
- Feat: Added image questions by @UO283615 in #233
- Fix the multiple petitions to /auth/refresh by @jjgancfer in #232
- fix: add proxy deployment on release by @jjgancfer in #235
- Active game and GET /play endpoints by @Toto-hitori in #243
- Chore/games played by @sergioqfeg1 in #242
- Merge backend changes and deploy with https by @Toto-hitori in #244
Full Changelog: v1.3.1...v1.4.0