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Minute #13

Didier Reyes Castro edited this page Mar 31, 2024 · 3 revisions

Date 📅

29/03/2024 17:00

Participants 👩‍💻👨‍💻

The whole Wiq team

Introduction ✏️

We mainly checked all the advancements did during the holidays, talked about some of the problems we got and think about the work we have to do for the next meeting.

Leaderboard 🥈🥇🥉

Diego made the leaderboard look more homogeneous with the rest of the web, adding some enchancements to make it look better

Profile 🙍‍♂️

Anna made the profile page, now you can see your stats in a better way, change your biography and your profile image from there

Autentication and Home 🆔✅

Mateo made some enchancements on the home and autentication pages to make it look better and in consonance with the rest of the web

Question translation 🌍

Carlos managed to make the questions translate to english and spanish

Api documentation and Question Generation enhancements📃

Didier worked on the documentation for our personal API and added enhancements to our QuestionGeneration Service such as timeouts when querying wikidata and other fixes.

Changes on the services 🔄️

Iyan made some changes on the service structure and handled some problems with sonarcloud

Image Questions 🖼️

Raul made some questions that need an image like "What is this flag from?"

Agreements 🤝

We need to merge the authentication, questions and profile frontend. Implement the user service for bios and profile pictures. Complete the translation section. Address the issues with the colors on the correct questions and the leaderboard medals not displaying properly. Create the OpenAPI. Resolve some SonarCloud issues. Focus on updating the documentation and get into Puppeteer.

Decisions 🛠️

  • Save biography of the user and predefined images for the user profile
  • Merge Autentication, questions and profile frontend
  • Fix some problems on the question and leaderboard
  • Start solving SonarCloud issues
  • Update Documentation
  • Start getting into Puppeteer
  • Make a cache for the questions