This plugin allows your players to create two potions and use one command.
- |A|B|C|
- | |D| |
- | |E| |
- A : Nether Wart
- B : Blaze powder
- C : Redstone
- D : Water Bucket
- E : Glass Bottle
When you drink the HomeStone, it set your "home location". Your home location is the x,y,z position you have when drinking the HomeStone.
- |A|B|C|
- | |D| |
- | |E| |
- A : Ender Perl
- B : Blaze powder
- C : Redstone
- D : Water Bucket
- E : Glass Bottle
When you drink the HearthStone, it teleports you to your home location.
That command will tell you how many time remains before you can drink the next HearthStone portion.