A collaborative map to keep track of aedes aegypti threats. See the project running.
Download and install git for windows: https://git-scm.com/download/win
Download and install nodejs: https://nodejs.org/
Download and install mongodb: https://www.mongodb.org/downloads#production
1) Create a github account.
1) Open Git Bash (should be installed on your computer at this point).
2) Go to a folder of your choice to put the application repository. Example:
$ cd /e/Repos
and run the following command:
$ git clone https://github.com/ArthurVilaca/AZCMap.git
Now you have the repository in your local machine.
1) Choose a partition of your choice and add to its root directory a folder called 'data', then inside of data add a folder called 'db'. This folder will be used to store your mongo database information. Example: C:\data\db
2) Go to the partition you've chosen to run the mongo server, then run mongod
. Example:
$ cd /c/
$ mongod
For run node in the project, you first need to install all project's dependencies and tools. You have to open a new instance of Git Bash, since Mongo's one needs to keep running.
1) First, go to the project's root folder:
$ cd /e/Repos/AZCMap
2) Use $ npm install
for install all dependencies.
3) Navigate to the backend folder:
$ cd backend
4) And again, run $npm install
for install all backend dependencies.
1) Go to the folder where the repository is cloned (/e/Repos/AZCMap in this example case).
Run the following command to start the node server:
$ node backend
Thats it, you can go to localhost:3000 in your browser and the application should be running.
Open Git Bash.
Go to the folder where the repository is located (e.g: /c/Repos/AZCMap)
run: $ git checkout -b branch-name
once you're done, run:
$ git add -A
$ git commit -m "commit message"
$ git push origin branch-name