A free dotdot Framework. Documentation is currently available on the RheinMain University of Applied Sciences Distributed Systems Lab Wiki.
libcoap /usr/bin/coap-{client,server} (for examples):
install -v -m755 -o root -g root examples/.libs/coap-client /usr/bin install -v -m755 -o root -g root examples/.libs/coap-server /usr/bin
Name: qcbor Description: qcbor Version: 0.0.0 Cflags: Libs: -L/usr/lib -lqcbor
unzip 19-01018-000-zcl7.0-Dotdot.zip "*.xml" "*.xsd" -x "__MACOSX/*" mv 19-01018-000-zcl7.0_release zcl
meson build; cd build
Note: Examples below save state to data.bin in the working directory; Deletion is sufficient for a clean start.
start application
run prepared queries
start application
run prepared queries
start application
./build/examples/binding/binding &
configure (and query) report configuration and bindings
start coap-server to examine notifications
coap-server -p 1234 -v 9