Dev #64
4 errors and 21 warnings
Run CMD check
package or namespace load failed for 'VoltRon' in .requirePackage(package):
Run CMD check
Test failures
Run CMD check
R CMD check found ERRORs
Run CMD check
Process completed with exit code 1.
Run CMD check
file 'VoltRon/cleanup' did not have execute permissions: corrected
Run CMD check
file 'VoltRon/configure' did not have execute permissions: corrected
Run CMD check
Found the following significant warnings:
Run CMD check
Loading required package: BPCells
Run CMD check
trying URL ''
Run CMD check
Run CMD check
Undocumented code objects:
Run CMD check
Matrix compression performs poorly with non-integers.
Run CMD check
Converting to a dense matrix may use excessive memory
Install Suggested dependencies
file 'BPCells/cleanup' did not have execute permissions: corrected
Install Suggested dependencies
file 'BPCells/configure' did not have execute permissions: corrected
Install Suggested dependencies
replacing previous import 'pizzarr::slice' by 'IRanges::slice' when loading 'ZarrArray'
Install Suggested dependencies
undefined slot classes in definition of "ZarrArray": seed(class "Array_OR_array_OR_df")
Install Suggested dependencies
undefined slot classes in definition of "ZarrMatrix": seed(class "Array_OR_array_OR_df")
Install Suggested dependencies
replacing previous import 'pizzarr::slice' by 'IRanges::slice' when loading 'ZarrArray'
Install Suggested dependencies
replacing previous import 'pizzarr::slice' by 'IRanges::slice' when loading 'ZarrArray'
Install Suggested dependencies
replacing previous import 'pizzarr::slice' by 'IRanges::slice' when loading 'ZarrArray'
Install Suggested dependencies
ImageArray-package.Rd:26: All text must be in a section
Install Suggested dependencies
replacing previous import 'pizzarr::slice' by 'IRanges::slice' when loading 'ZarrArray'
Install dependencies
file 'VoltRon/cleanup' did not have execute permissions: corrected
Install dependencies
file 'VoltRon/configure' did not have execute permissions: corrected