A simple JSON translator for you
Follow the instructions to install the required packages
App is so easy to use Copy your json file you wish to translate to the input field , click translate and you are done!
Make sure you have a valid json file to translate to the input field , otherwise you will get an error message,Just Follow the instructions and you are good to go!
1- Insert your json data as example and make sure it starts with { and ends with } the last key value doesn't contain comma ,
2- Doesn't contain comments in between such as : // or any other characters like , or ;
3- Doesn't contain any spaces between the keys and values
1- Insert this json data to the input field and click translate
// "name": "محمد",
// "age": "25",
// "street": "الشارع",
// "city": "المدينة",
// "country": "البلد"
// }
2- Select the language you wish to translate to and click translate 3- Click on translate button and you are done! 4- You can do some more like coping the translated json data and use it in your project or you can download it as a file 5- Beautify the output and also the input json data 6- You Can order your json keys alphabetically ! and more to come soon!
For help contact me on my email : [[email protected]] or on my twitter : @sherbinovic
All rights reserved to the auther of this app : Ahmed Elsherbini