Python based lightweight cross-platform tool to control the GECCO System, based on ATLASPix3_SoftAndFirmware
To interact with the FTDI-Chip the ftd2xx package is used, which provides a wrapper around the proprietary D2XX driver.
The free pyftdi driver currently does not support the synchronous 245 FIFO mode.
For bit manipulation the bitstring package is used.
- Write ASIC config (SR and SPI)
- Configure Voltageboards (+offset cal)
- Configure Injectionboard
- Read/Write single registers
- SPI/QSPI Readout
- Import/export chip config from/to yaml
Work in progress:
- Python >= 3.9
- packages: ftd2xx, async-timeout, bitstring
- D2XX Driver
$ git clone [email protected]:nic-str/astropix-python.git
$ cd astropix-python
# Create venv
$ python3 -m venv astropix-venv
$ source astropix-venv/bin/activate
# Install Requirements
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
D2XX Driver should be pre-installed.
Install D2XX driver: Installation Guide
Check if VCP driver gets loaded:
sudo lsmod | grep -a "ftdi_sio"
If yes, create a rule e.g., 99-ftdi-nexys.rules in /etc/udev/rules.d/ with the following content to unbid the VCP driver and make the device accessible for non-root users:
ATTRS{idVendor}=="0403", ATTRS{idProduct}=="6010",\
PROGRAM="/bin/sh -c '\
echo -n $id:1.0 > /sys/bus/usb/drivers/ftdi_sio/unbind;\
echo -n $id:1.1 > /sys/bus/usb/drivers/ftdi_sio/unbind\
ATTRS{idVendor}=="0403", ATTRS{idProduct}=="6010",\
Reload rules with:
sudo udevadm trigger
Create links to shared lib:
sudo ldconfig
See FTDI Mac OS X Installation Guide D2XX Driver section from page 10. is a module with the goal of simplifying and unifying all of the diffrent branches and modules into a single warpper which can be easily worked with. The goal is to provide a simple interface where astropix can be configured, initalized, monitored, and interfaced with without having to modify source files or copy and paste code from various repositories.
- Creating the instance
- After import, call astropixRun().
- Usage:
astropixRun([none required], [opt] inject, offline)
- optional arguments:
- inject: [row, col] of pixel where injection will be enabled. If no argument provided, no pixel enabled for injection
- offline: Default FALSE. Set to TRUE to interface with an astropixRun object but not collect data (ex. to only decode an existing file)
- Initializing voltages
- call
astro.init_voltages([none required], [opt] vcal, vsupply, vthreshold, dacvals)
- Optional arguments:
- vcal: calibrated voltage. Default 0.989
- vsupply: voltage to gecco board. Default 2.7
- vthreshold: ToT threshold voltage. Default value provided in yml (or 100 if not provided in yml)
- dacvals: if you want to configure the dac values, do that here
- call
- Initalizing the ASIC
- call
- Usage:
astro.asic_init(yaml, [opt] dac_setup, bias_setup, analog_col)
- Required arguments:
- yaml: string of name of configuration .yml file in /config/*.yml
- Optional arguments:
- dac_setup: dictionary of values which will be used to change the defalt dac settings (from yml config). Does not need to have a complete dictionary, only values that you want to change. Default None
- bias_setup: dictionary of values which will be used to change the defalt bias settings. Does not need to have a complete dictionary, only values that you want to change. Default None
- analog_col: column of pixel in row0 to enable analog output. Default None (no analog output)
- call
- Initalizing injector board (optional)
- call
- Usage:
astro.init_injection([none required], [opt] inj_voltage, inj_period, clkdiv, initdelay, cycle, pulseperset, onchip)
- Optional arguments:
- inj_voltage: Amplitude of injected square wave. Default provided in yml (or 300 [mV] if not provided in yml)
- inj_period: period of injection. Default 100
- clkdiv: Number of clock divisions. Default 300
- initdelay: Initialization delay. Default 100
- cycle: Default 0
- pulseperset: Number of injection pulses per cycle. Default 1
- onchip: bool regarding injeciton pulse generation. Default FALSE (generated with card in GECCO board. If TRUE, generated in periphery on chip - only valid for astropix v3 and higher)
- call
- enable SPI
- takes no arguments
- Send configuration to chip
- takes no arguments
Useful methods:
astro.get_readout() --> bytearray. Gets bytestream from the chip
astro.decode_readout(readout, [opt] printer) --> list of dictionaries. Printer prints the decoded values to terminal
astro.write_conf_to_yaml() --> write configuration settings to *.yml
astro.start_injection() and astro.stop_injection() are self explainatory has the ability to:
- Save csv files
- Plot hits in real time
- Configure threshold and injection voltages
- Enable digital output based on pixel masks
CAUTION : try not to pass arguments to as numpy objects - if looping through a numpy array, typecast to int, float, etc for the argument call or features may not work as intended (ie - pixels may not be activated/deactivated as expected)
Argument | Usage | Purpose | Default |
-n --name |
Set additional name to be added to the timestamp in file outputs | None |
-o --outdir |
Directory to save all output files to. Will be created if it doesn't exist. | ./ |
-y --yaml |
-y [NAME] |
Name of configuration file, assuming config/*.yml where * is passed. If not specified, uses config/testconfig.yml and disables all pixels | testconfig |
-V --chipVer |
Defines chip version and available settings. Should match yml file | 2 |
-c --saveascsv |
-c |
Toggle saving csv files on and off | Does not save csv |
-s --showhits |
-s |
Display hits in real time | Off |
-p --plotsave |
-p |
Saves real time plots as image files. Stored in outdir. | Does not save plots |
-t --threshold |
-t [VOLTAGE] |
Sets digital threshold voltage in mV. | 100mV |
-i --inject |
-i [COL] |
Toggles injection on or off at specified column. Injects 300mV unless specified. | Off |
-v --vinj |
-v [VOLTAGE] |
Sets voltage of injection in mV. Does not enable injection. | 300mV |
-M --maxtime |
-M [float] |
Sets the length of time for data collection, in minutes. | No maximum |
-r --maxruns |
-r [int] |
Sets the maximum number of readouts the code will process before exiting. | No maximum |
-E --errormax |
-E [int] |
Amount of index errors encountered in the decode before the program terminates. | 0 |
-a --analog |
-a [COL] |
Enable analog output on specified column | None |
-L --loglevel |
-L [D,I,E,W,C] |
Loglevel to be stored. Applies to both console and file. Options: D - debug, I - info, E - error, W - warning, C - critical | I |
--timeit |
--timeit |
Measures the time it took to decode and store a hitstream. | Off |