CLI AI Chat Bot for SPOs
- Go 1.20 or higher
- Mendable API Key (You can sign up for free)
If you need to install Go and using a raspberry pi 3 or 4 computer, you can use snap.
- Install snapd
sudo apt update
sudo apt install snapd
- Install Go
sudo snap install go --classic
- Check Go version
go version
- Clone the repository
git clone
- Create a .env file and add the following variable in it
nano .env
- Example of how to run the program to start chatting with the bot
(option 1) Run the program using go run
go run seadog.go -cmd ask
(option 2) Build the executable and run it
go build seadog.go
./seadog -cmd ask
(option 3) Build the executable and run it from anywhere (Caution when doing this with any executable XD)
go build seadog.go
sudo cp seadog /usr/local/bin
sudo cp .env /usr/local/bin
seadog -cmd ask