In this exercise a realtime PDC bit grade App is developed.
The three data set were made to be used in this exercise App. Collections are as follows:
- This is drill sting data.downhole motor data
- This is down-hole motor data.witsml
- This is witsml data which is called wits data in short.
Initially, data sets are generated through a script and saved locally. The process is then repeated using an Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) approach, providing more flexibility and scalability to demonstrate the difference between the two methods.
A dummy API was developed and utilized to simulate a real API. The API offers two methods: one for getting data and another for posting data. The app uses the API to retrieve and send data to mongoDB and S3. The S3 is used to keep and retrieve the cache.
When triggered by an event, the app executes the following calculations:
Obtains the start and end timestamps of the event.
Uses these timestamps to retrieve wits data from the API.
- Parses the wits data based on the wits activity and checks whether all fields are available.
Obtains drill string data from the API and parses it.
Obtains down-hole motor data from the API and parses it.
Groups the wits data by the drillstring ID.
Creates a map between the drillstring ID and the downhole motor ID.
Obtains the down-hole motor coefficient for each drillstring ID.
Calculates the PDC bit grade for each drillstring ID. Note that each drill string is considered representative of a new bit.
- Flow rate and down-hole motor coefficient are used to calculate the total RPM.
- The bit grade equation is as follows:
- Bit grade = wob * (rpm + flowrate * motor_cof) / BIT_WEAR_CONSTANT
Calculates the cumulative PDC bit grade for each drillstring ID. Note that in most cases, there is only one drillstring ID per wits. However, in some cases, there can be two drillstring IDs, and the cumulative PDC bit grade is calculated for each separately. The app checks the cache and retrieves the latest BG posted for a specific drillstring ID. The cache used in this exercise is a simple file stored locally and in the cloud (S3) and checked to calculate the BG. Once the BG is calculated, it is added to the BG collection and posted using the API. In this case, it is saved in the local resource folder.
The main file in the root directory is used to test the app using FastAPI. A seperate test server file is used to trigger the app. The FastAPI server is ran using the coomand provided in the make file.
The app is deployed using the GitHub action to AWS lambda. For that the IAM role with full access to AWS was maded. A lambda function was created in AWS. The CICD pipeline edploy the app to AWS lambda function after packing it into a zip file.
- Return the cache from S3.
"start_ts": 1677112070,
"end_ts": 1677115068,
"asset_id": 123456789,
"task": "return_cache",
- Delete the cache from S3.
"start_ts": 1677112070,
"end_ts": 1677115068,
"asset_id": 123456789,
"task": "delete_cache",
- Delete the BG collection from MongoDB.
"start_ts": 1677112070,
"end_ts": 1677115068,
"asset_id": 123456789,
"task": "delete_bg_collection",
- Get the setting that is used in the calculation of the bit grade.
"start_ts": 1677112070,
"end_ts": 1677115068,
"asset_id": 123456789,
"task": "get_app_setting",
- Editing the setting that is used in the calculation of the bit grade.
"start_ts": 1677112070,
"end_ts": 1677115068,
"asset_id": 123456789,
"task": "edit_app_setting",
"new_setting": {
"data": {"bit_wear_constant": "3_000_000_000_000"},
"start_ts": "i",
"end_ts": "i + 60, # seconds"
"asset_id": 123456789,
"task": "calculate_bg",
Scheduler->>BGApp: event
BGApp->>MongoDb: Get wits, drillstring, downhole motor
MongoDb-->>BGApp: wits, drillstring, downhole motor
BGApp->>S3: Get cahce
S3-->>BGApp: cache
BGApp->>BGApp: Calculate BG
BGApp->>MongoDb: Post BG
BGApp->>S3: Update cache
Task->>BGApp: event
Note right of BGApp: if event task is RETURN_CACHE
BGApp->>S3: get the cache
S3-->>BGApp: cache
Note right of BGApp: if event task is DELETE_CACHE
BGApp->>S3: delete the cache
Note right of BGApp: if event task is get the APP_SETTING
BGApp->>S3: get the setting
S3-->>BGApp: setting
Note right of BGApp: if event task is edit the APP_SETTING
BGApp->>S3: edit the setting
Note right of BGApp: if event task is DELETE_BG_COLLECTION
BGApp->>MongoDB: delete the bg_collection
To add layer to the lambda function run the following commands in AWS cloud shell (reference)
mkdir packages
cd packages
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
mkdir python
cd python
pip install "Your library" -t .
rm -rf *dist-info
cd ..
zip -r python
aws s3 cp s3://your-s3-bucket-name/
and connect the layer to the lambda function.