App for calculating anything related to dates
- Simple to use!
- Fast and responsive.
- Calculate differences between dates, with months, years, and weeks given.
- Find which day is a certain amount of dates away.
- Compatible with dynamic color themes.wsssssssssssssssssssssss
- Open Source and ad-free.
Check out app-release.apk
over at the [GitHub Releases](
Check out dateapp-windows-x86_64-setup.exe
over at the GitHub Releases page.
Check out dateapp-macos-universal.dmg
over at the GitHub Releases page.
Check out dateapp-linux-x64.tar.gz
over at the GitHub Releases page.
Check out Amy's for Flatpak version
Check out
- Install Flutter
- Clone repository
git clone
- Install required dependencies
flutter pub get
- Run one of these commands for platforms
Platform | Command |
Android | flutter build apk |
Windows | flutter build windows |
Linux (x86_64) | flutter build linux |
MacOS | flutter build macos |
- WinsDominoes (Win) - Developer
- AtiusAmy (Amy) - Research & Development / Quality Control