Isolated and pro sound card - 192khz, 24 bit, implementing the AI-AIS-v1.0
Coming soon !
Make sure you have a recent enough firmware Kernel version 5.4.58 or later (4.19.xx later then 17th July) which includes the Isolated machine driver updates :
sudo rpi-update
Edit your /boot/config.txt file to disable dtparam=audio (the # below comments it out):
Edit your /boot/config.txt file to enable the Ultra's device tree overlay :
NOTE : If the card is showed as installed but you can't use it, double check it isn't a pulseaudio issue by removing pulseaudio from the system.
sudo apt remove pulseaudio
sudo rpi-update
# firstly disable PWM audio
sed -i \"s/^\s*dtparam=audio/#dtparam=audio/\" /boot/config.txt
# now check to see the correct device tree overlay is loaded ...
cnt=`grep -c audioinjector-isolated-soundcard /boot/config.txt`
if [ "$cnt" -eq "0" ]; then
echo '# enable the sound card
dtoverlay=audioinjector-isolated-soundcard' >> /boot/config.txt
Michael Gardner's 3D printable case :
-- to come --
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