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@petong petong released this 04 Jun 22:47

Augur App 1.14.1

Default sort change πŸ€‘

Liquidity sort now defaults to 15% spread, up from 10% spread.

Liquidity ranking πŸ’ͺ

It is essential to add initial liquidity to your market so users see it. It's required that at least one outcome have orders such that the difference between the ask and bid is less than 15% of the range (max minus min), inclusive of fees, of the market. So in a binary or categorical market an ask of .65 and bid of .57 would be 8% and show up, an ask of .76 and bid of .55 would be 21% and not show up to users, and so on. If you do this for more outcomes and add more liquidity, your market will rank higher.

Invalid filter 😿

Additionally, for your market to appear on the default markets page you must have (on at least one outcome) a bid above the number of outcomes in the market divided by the range, or an ask below the number of outcomes in the market divided by the range, after accounting for fees. In Augur V1, until a better solution can be implemented in V2, this means avoiding creating markets with true even odds, and instead creating ones with a slight (or large) underdog to ensure they're not accidentally caught by the invalid market filter. For instance, a market with a bid of 48 and ask of 52 would be filtered out, one with a bid of 52 and ask of 55 wouldn't.

Platform SHA 256 Checksum
Windows 9ad1be315261e7c28a849a38798e4094472827af697802f824a8b0b6a53cc1d3
Mac a19ecc12aa2907d17ce043e86dd7ef83ba3076794b4c1aba93990806827b18b8
Linux (deb) ffc2f9f98e335569892f17056c8602d8fa1ee184fec8390644edeb91f1488364
Linux (AppImage) e4ff0b638303469a86489a6a548d99be5211c3a3c245fdeffe418cf446c9a6b9