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Aurorion edited this page Jan 4, 2019 · 7 revisions


Your blocklist is the core of your configuration. This is where you declare all blocks affected by BlockRegen.
If you are stuck on formatting it, here is de default Blocklist.yml.

You start by divining which block are affected. You can find a list with materials right here.
In this case I use diamond ore.

The block to replace it with. In this case it's podzol.
replace-block: PODZOL

The delay in which this block regens to its original state. These are in seconds.
regen-delay: 3

If you installed Vault you can give players money.
money: 100

You can specify a command that is executed by the console.
Example: console-command: "give %player% apple 64".
console-command: "say The console-command function is working!"

You can specify a command that is executed by the player itself.
Example: console-command: "me I, %player%, executed this command".
player-command: "me I, %player%, executed this command"

This option allows you to set a tool that people need to have to break the block.
If they don't have this tool they get an error message (Messages.yml).

Just like tool requirement, you can also require enchants.
Format is the same as "tool-required" but with enchantments ofcourse.
List of enchantments can be found here.
enchant-required: FORTUNE, MENDING

You can check what job and what level a player needs to be.
Format: Job;Level.
jobs-check: Farmer;2

On break there can be particles displayed.
particles: flame_crown
Currently you can use these options:

  • flame_crown
  • fireworks
  • witch_spell

Give drops, exp and amount as it would be in vanilla.
Set this to false to use the other options.
natural-break: false

If you wish to use a custom drop item instead of natural break follow the next settings.
The material of the custom item.
drop-item.material: DIORITE

The name of the custom item. Supports colors. "&6&l[&3BlockRegen&6&l]"

The lores that are applied to the custom item.
- "&fThese are some lores"
- "&cAnd &6they &eeven &asupport &dcolors!"

Setting drop-naturally to false sends it directly to the players inventory if there is place.
Setting it to true drops it on the ground as it would in vanilla.
drop-item.drop-naturally: false

Setting drop-naturally to false gives the player the amount of exp directly.
Setting it to true drops it on the ground as it would in vanilla. drop-item.exp.drop-naturally: true

The amount of exp it gives.
drop-item.exp.amount: 100

How many should the player get?
This generates a random number between, in this case, 0 and 5.
drop-item.amount.high: 5
drop-item.amount.low: 0

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