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Real-time anomaly detection tool


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Real-time anomaly detection application, from multiple sources.

Fox in action

Getting Started

docker build . -t fox
docker run --rm -d -p fox

Note: Can run make too.

This will load the default config file at config/default.json. If you have an ENV environment variable, this will be used instead.

docker run --rm -d -p --env ENVIRONMENT=production fox

Loads config/production.json.

Read to learn how to create your own components: data intervals, detections and notifications.


Use config environment variable to pass a path to configuration JSON file, for example:


Property Type Description
server Object Configuration for the Restify server, properties: Number port, String host
logs Object Configuration for logger, properties: String level
baseUrl String Base URL that will be used in notifications as a back link to Web UI
schedulerNotifications Object Configuration object for Scheduler level notifications. Required field is 'name' that defines notification class name. Other parameters are depends on notification


     "server": {
          "port": 8080,
          "host": ""
     "logs": {
          "level": "debug",
          "json": true
     "baseUrl": "",
	 "schedulerNotifications": {
		  "name": "SESNotification",


Datasources may have their own configuration defined in dataSources section. Their parameters will be passed to a datasource constructor right after application is loaded. Read about parameters needed for each datasource in datasource documentation.

For example NewRelic datasource requires accountId and apiKey as configuration parameters:

    "dataSources": {
        "NewRelicInsights": {
            "accountId": 100000,
            "apiKey": "MySecretKey"


Notifications like datasources may have their own configuration but defined in notifications section. Read about individual notification settings in their own documentation.

Example SESNotification requires AWS credentials and some email attributes:

    "notifications": {
        "SESNotification": {
            "accessKeyId": "MYSECRETACCESSKEYIDFROMAWS",
            "secretAccessKey": "0000000000SECRET/ACCESSKEY00000000000000000",
            "to": ["[email protected]"],
            "from": "'Fox' <[email protected]>"


Metrics are defined in configuration file in metric section. Every metric must contain these params:

Property Required Type Description
description String Description for metric. Will be displayed as a header for metric's graph
dataSource yes String Name of the class that will be used as a data source for metric
dataSourceQueries yes Object Object that will be passed to data source class
detection yes String Name of the class + method that will be used as a detection function divided by dot (.)
detectionParams Object Object that will be passed to detection class
updateInterval Number Time in ms to update metric (will be set to 5 minutes if not defined)
notification String Notification resource name (must be defined in notifications config section). Will be randomly picked from the list of available notifications if value is not defined
notificationConfig no Object Notification config object outlining some more details around notifications
style Object Style object to assign to the chart container

Read particular data source or detection configuration to see the list of parameters you have to pass into them


	"metrics": {
		"MetricCodeName": {
			"description": "Speed The Collapse",
			"dataSource": "NewRelicInsights",
			"dataSourceQueries": [
				"ALL(the, way) FROM WHERE we came BUILD a MANSION in a day"
			"detection": "SimpleDetection.isNeighbourHouseCollapsed",
			"detectionParams": {
				"emaInterval": 6
			"notification": "SESNotification",
			"notificationConfig": {
				"intervalSeconds": 600,
				"count": 5
			"updateInterval": 900000,
			"style": {
				"width": "50%"


  1. Install dependencies
  1. Start SPA
yarn start
  1. Start Api
node server.js


Read to learn more about contributing to this project.