This repository hosts the joint JOSS submission of the AutoRA framework.
CORE PACKAGES (required dependencies)
The AutoRA framework consists of core packages with minimal dependencies.
- autora: Main repository that hosts the documentation of autora across all vetted subpackages and serves as the main package.
- autora-core: AutoRA workflow mechanics.
- autora-synthetic: Synthetic models for benchmarking in AutoRA.
OPTIONAL PACKAGES (optional dependencies):
In addition, the AutoRA framework provides vetted optional dependencies for workflow components, including theorists (for automating model discovery), experimentalists (for automating experimental design), and experiment runners (for automating data collection).
Theorist Components:
- autora[theorist-darts]: Automated model discovery with Differentiable Architecture Search.
- autora[theorist-bms]: Automated model discovery with Bayesian Machine Scientist.
- autora[theorist-bsr]: Automated model discovery with Bayesian Symbolic Regression.
Experimentalist Components:
- autora[experimentalist-falsification]: Automated experimental design based on predicted model falsification.
- autora[experimentalist-inequality]: Automated experimental design based on a pairwise distance metric.
- autora[experimentalist-leverage]: Automated experimental design based on the leverage of data points on model predictions.
- autora[experimentalist-mixture]: Automated experimental design based on mixture of experimentalists.
- autora[experimentalist-nearest-value]: Automated experimental design based on distance to existing pool of experiment conditions.
- autora[experimentalist-novelty]: Automated experimental design based on experiment novelty.
- autora[experimentalist-model-disagreement]: Automated experimental design based on model disagreement.
- autora[experimentalist-uncertainty]: Automated experimental design based on model uncertainty.
Experiment Runner Components:
- autora[experiment-runner-firebase-prolific]: Automated data collection through serving an experiment on Firebase and recruiting participants with Prolific.
- autora[experiment-runner-experimentation-manager-firebase]: Automated data collection through serving an experiment on Firebase.
- autora[experiment-runner-recruitment-manager-prolific]: Automated participant recruitment with Prolific.
- autora[experiment-runner-synthetic-abstract-equation]: Automated data generation based on mathematical equations.