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Release testing instructions for WC Payments 2.7.0

Naman Malhotra edited this page Jul 5, 2021 · 10 revisions

Test double conversion issues on manual subscription renewals.

  • Create a subscription product and sign up, if not already done.
  • Go to WooCommerce > Subscriptions, and click into a subscription.
  • Use Subscription actions at the top right to Create pending renewal order and click the arrow button.
  • Navigate to the new order through the link in the Order notes.
  • The order will have a Customer payment page link above the Status, click that link.
  • Ensure that the checkout page will have the correct price listed.
  • Ensure that the shipping costs and taxes should still convert correctly.
  • Ensure that all other products in the shop should still convert correctly.
  • Ensure that one should be able to add a simple product to the cart with the proper conversion.

Test scrollable content in currencies modal.

  • Navigate to WooCommerce > Settings

  • Select the Multi-Currency tab

  • Below the "Enabled Currencies" table, click the "Add currencies" button

  • Desktop tests

    • Ensure that the styling if the list height is bigger than 350px with more than 10-15 currencies visible (should be no)
    • Ensure that the styling if the list height is smaller than 350px with less than 10-15 currencies visible (should be no, too)
  • Mobile tests

    • Ensure if the buttons are on bottom, the header and search input is intact while the currency list is scrollable.

Desktop Screenshot

Screen Capture on 2021-06-22 at 00-41-35

Mobile Screenshot

Test redirect to the onboarding page when the WooCommerce Payments account is disconnected.

  1. Start with a new site, or disconnect your site from WCPay/Stripe using the WCPay dev plugin.
  2. Open this page: http://<YOUR_SITE>/wp-admin/admin.php?page=wc-admin&path=/payments/deposits
  3. Observe you are redirected to /wp-admin/admin.php?page=wc-admin&path=%2Fpayments%2Fconnect
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