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Release testing instructions for WC Payments 3.9.0

jessy edited this page Mar 15, 2022 · 10 revisions

Add IPP print receipt preview to Card Readers page

Expected outcome

There is a Preview a printed receipt link under the Receipt Details tab of the Card Readers page of the Payments menu. By clicking this link, a merchant can see a preview of a printed receipt.

Testing instructions

  1. Enable Card Readers in admin menu by following instructions in this PR
  2. Go to Payments -> Card Readers -> Receipt details
  3. Modify any of available settings. Note that logo is not available to be previewed yet.
  4. Click on Preview a printed receipt link
  5. Observe that the generated receipt contains the modified settings data
  6. Reload the page
  7. Observe that the generated receipt contains the original unmodified data

Do not show the multiple currencies inbox note if the merchant doesn't have an account set up yet.

Expected outcome

There is no inbox note related to the setup of multi currency if there is no connected account yet. Once a connected account is created, then there is a multi currency inbox note.

Testing instructions

  1. Create a fresh JN site with WooCommerce and WCPay Dev Tools plugins
  2. Install the WooCommerce Payments plugin
  3. Acknowledge that there is NOT a multi currency note in the inbox
  4. Set up your WCPay account
  5. Acknowledge that there is now a multi currency note in the inbox

Send transaction download emails to the admin requesting them.

Expected outcome

When choosing to download transactions and the list needs to be emailed, the email address used to send the link to will be the email address of the current logged in admin.

Testing instructions

  1. Go to Payments > Transactions.
  2. After the page loads, if you have enough transactions to have a page 2, you're good. Else add &per_page=1 to the url in the address bar and hit return/enter.
  3. You can now click the Download button at the top right of the list to trigger the email download.
  4. A snackbar notification should show in the lower left corner with the email address of the user that requested the download.
  5. Check your email to confirm the email was received.
  6. Create a new user with the Administrator role.
  7. Complete steps 1-5 with the new user.

Webhook Reliability: Fetch failed events.

Expected outcome

The plugin will fetch failed webhook events in case WCPay server can not send these events to the site properly (due to Jetpack IDC error, or simply an unexpected error when processing webhook by the plugin.

Testing instructions

Test the simple case (as the server change has not been merged yet).

  1. Go to
  2. Look for wcpay_webhook_fetch_events, and run it.
  3. Expectation: this event runs without any error.

Shortened customer bank statement is in the settings.

Expected outcome

There's a new setting in the WooCommerce Payments settings page, which should only be visible if it's enabled through a new checkbox.

Testing instructions

  1. Go to the WooCommerce Payments settings.
  2. You should see a new unticked checkbox Add customer order number to the bank statement below the regular bank statement.
  3. Tick it and the Shortened customer bank statement field should appear.
  4. Type in something and save.
  5. Play with some values in the Shortened customer bank statement field. Validation should work the same way as for the regular bank statement, except for the field max length, that is 10.
  6. Untick Add customer order number to the bank statement and Shortened customer bank statement field should disappear.
  7. Full bank statement should work as usual.

Fix for failed order updated when multiple orders submitted in UPE

Expected outcome

Using UPE, when an order fails and the order is resubmitted with a change that causes WooCommerce to generate a new order id, we have 2 orders with the same payment intent. When the payment is successful, it should correctly update the latest successful order and not the older failed order.

Testing instructions

  • As a merchant, make sure you have UPE enabled and card checkbox is on.
  • As a merchant, create coupon with 1 limit usage.
  • As a shopper, buy some products, add to the cart and go to checkout.
  • Enter coupon into the input and use 4000000000009995 that should fail with insufficient funds.
  • After that, enter a valid card and do successful checkout. (coupon will get removed and order total will change)
  • As a merchant, check the Orders page in the admin dashboard, the older failed order should still be failed and the newer order should be updated with the successful payment state.
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