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Release testing instructions for WC Payments 5.5.0

Dat Hoang edited this page Feb 4, 2023 · 11 revisions

Add support phone and email in the admin settings page PR #5471

Testing steps

Test 1:

  • Visit wp-admin > Payments > Settings.
  • See two new inputs like this screenshot.
  • Update them with a valid phone and a valid number.
  • Expectation: if an error message is displayed for either inputs, the Save Changes button is disabled. When both inputs have no error, the Save Changes button is enabled.

Test 2:

  • After having valid saved values for either inputs, try to reload the settings page.
  • Empty the input that has already had a valid value.
  • Expectation: See the error message for that input like this: Support email/phone cannot be empty once it has been set before, please specify.

Reason for the behavior in test 2: Stripe does not require these fields when creating or updating an account, but also does not allow to unset them when they have already had some values (more details in this discussion in the PR).

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