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Release testing instructions for WC Payments 5.8.0

James Allan edited this page Apr 19, 2023 · 4 revisions

GPay shows $0 for subscription_variation products

  1. Go to the product page of a subscription. Make sure the product type is subscription_variation and has free shipping
  2. Click on Google Pay button
  3. Check the totals, should have the Product price
  4. Select a shipping method
  5. The totals should remain the same.

New Account Funds and Deposits UIs

  1. Go the Payments → Overview page
  2. Depending on your local time and your admin account profile, you should see one of the following options:
    • [5am -11.59am]
      • Good morning 👋
      • Good morning, {first-name} 👋
    • [12pm – 4:59pm]
      • Good afternoon 👋
      • Good afternoon, {first-name} 👋
    • [5pm – 4:59am]
      • Good evening 👋
      • Good evening, {first-name} 👋

Screenshot 2023-04-19 at 10 43 22 am

  1. If you don't see your name in the heading.
  2. Click the profile icon in the top right changing your WP user profile's first-name will
Screenshot 2023-04-19 at 12 56 49 pm
  1. Enter a first name.
  2. Save.
  3. The Payments → Overview page will now include the first name.
Screenshot 2023-04-19 at 1 29 10 pm

Account Funds

📘 Note

If your test site has pre-existing purchases, make a note of your Account balances so you can see how they change through this test. Go to Payments → Overview and note down your Available and Pending balance figures.

Available funds

  1. Purchase any product
  2. At checkout use the following card number 4000000000000077
  3. Once the purchase it complete, return to the Payments → Overview.
  4. The Available balance should include the newly purchased order total.

Pending funds

  1. Purchase another product
  2. At checkout use the following card number 4242424242424242
  3. Once the purchase it complete, return to the Payments → Overview.
  4. The Pending balance should include the newly purchased order total.

Screenshot 2023-04-19 at 12 17 38 pm

Deposits UI

  1. On the Payments → Overview screen, scroll down to the Deposits section.
  2. For newly created sites, this section is fairly minimal.
  3. Confirm that the section includes:
    • A note about account being in a 7 day waiting period.
    • An estimated deposit table with the estimated dispatch date, status and amount. The date and amount will depend on your site's available + pending funds.
    • A button to view all deposits
      • This should direct the user to the Payments → Deposits list table.
    • A link to change the deposit schedule
      • This should direct the user to the Payments → Settings screen scrolled to the bottom of the page to view the Deposits section.

Screenshot 2023-04-19 at 12 53 03 pm

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