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Release testing instructions for WC Payments 6.8.0

jessy edited this page Nov 13, 2023 · 11 revisions

Fix not allowed page when clicking Set up WooPayments from Core and account is already onboarded

  • Initiate the onboarding process and complete it fully.
  • Check that the account is complete on the payments overview page.
  • Go to WooCommerce → Home and find Set up WooPayments task, it should be marked as complete.
  • Click on it and wait a little bit.
  • Should redirect to the payments overview page.

UGX Currency Checkout flows

Test with two scenarios

  1. Set up a store in a supported country. Set up multi-currency with UGX.

In both the scenarios, test the following flows

  • Shopper is able to checkout with UGX and correct amounts are charged for both normal products and Subscriptions
  • Validate the amount on Stripe vs WCPay
  • Validate that the correct amount is charged and displayed on Order Edit, Transactions, Transactions Export and other Merchant screens
  • Test further processes such as Disputes, Refunds etc. and validate the amounts and formatting.
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