Modified code for the AE Hackathon 2016
This code is based on:
NOTE: Please go through this tutorial as a first, as it will give you an idea of the keyboard controls, how to run it, etc.
You can download the virtual machine (VirtualBox) from:
In order to run our modified code, clone this repository and run:
roscd mv ardrone_tutorials ardrone_tutorials_orig
git clone
mv hackathon ardrone_tutorials
cd ardrone_tutorials
roslaunch ardrone_tutorials keyboard_controller_with_tags.launch
- Please be safe, and put altitude limits in the launch file appropriately
- If indoors, put the shell on at all times
- Make sure to note your AR Drone's wifi ID! If there are many you may connect to the wrong one!
- Familiarize yourself with the keys in the keyboard controller first! Make sure you know how to control, land, and emergency-stop it.
Q. How do I run the keyboard controller? A. Do not use "python". Use roslaunch command above.
Q. I can run the keyboard contoller but the commands aren't doing anything A. You have to press the correct keys on the image window, while it has focus!