This folder contains python scripts that are used for various tasks that do not need to run as ros nodes. The file inside the folder contains more information on the scripts in that folder.
mkdir -p ~/utils_ws/src
cd ~/utils_ws/src
git clone [email protected]:AutonomousFieldRoboticsLab/utils.git
cd ..
cd ~/utils_ws/src/utils
git pull origin main
cd ../..
To extract keyframes from a rosbag, run the following command:
roslaunch utils_ros write_keyframe_images.launch bag_file:=bag_file image_dir:=dir_to_save_images traj_file:=VIO_trajectory_file config_file:=camera config file
Note: By default, the keyframes are undistorted. The reason being COLMAP undistortion changes image size in an effort to maximize information from images.
The gopro config files are inside the config/gopro folder.
Check the launch file for additional parameters.