Releases: AvayaExperiencePlatform/omni-sdk-ios
Releases · AvayaExperiencePlatform/omni-sdk-ios
Full Changelog: v1.1.0...v1.1.1
- Added typing notification support
- Updated the appearance of the AXPMessagingUI chat view
- Added configuration options to customize the colors and fonts used by AXPMessagingUI chat view
- Display URLs using link previews when the message contains only a URL or a URL is at the end of a message
- Automatically dismiss keyboard when the use scrolls towards the bottom of the chat view
- Set up the messaging sample app for push notifications when supplied with Firebase configuration
- Fixed rendering and input of messages with newline characters
- Fixed grouping and display of date headers
- Fixed scroll-to-end behavior
- Fixed inconsistent appearance of the scroll-to-end floating action button
- Fixed building with Xcode 15.2
- Renamed some APIs for consistency with the Omni SDK name:
is renamed toAXPOmniSDK
is renamed toAXPOmniSDKConfig
- Added AXPMessagingUI options to control whether agent and automation events are shown.
Enabled Push notification in AXPMessaging SDK.
- Package modules as static frameworks to bundle resources into apps automatically without needing to manually add a resource .bundle for AXPMessagingUI.
Initial release.