The code for the multi-objective hyperparameter optimization algorithm MO-PBT (ICML2023):
- Creating conda environment named mopbt:
conda config --add channels conda-forge && conda config --set channel_priority strict && conda create -n mopbt --file conda_list.txt && source activate mopbt
- Installing pip dependencies:
pip install -r pip_list.txt
- Installing pillow-simd for faster image processing:
pip uninstall -y pillow pil jpeg libtiff libjpeg-turbo && conda install -yc conda-forge libjpeg-turbo && CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} -mavx2" pip install --upgrade --no-cache-dir --force-reinstall --no-binary :all: --compile pillow-simd
- CIFAR-10/100 and CelebA datasets are downloaded automatically by torchvision
- Click Prediction dataset is downloaded automatically by OpenML
- Adult and Higgs datasets can be downloaded from the link following the FT-Transformer paper
To run an algorithm: python3 --config=[config_name].yaml
For example, to run MO-PBT on the Precision/Recall task on the Adult dataset (details are in the paper): python3 --config=configs_mopbt/config_precision_recall.yaml
Detailed instructions about config format and parameters are provided in the config files.
- The number of parallel workers (networks trained in parallel) per GPU is defined by the parameter
(we used 4). - The code produces quite a lot of elaborate logging information, it is recommended to use file redirection (e.g.,
> logs.txt
) to check later how the search proceeded.
Each run of an algorithm collects its own folder named [logs_path]/[name]/[run]
, where:
- logs_path is defined in the config file
- name is automatically generated using algorithm configuration (generation is specified in the
parameter in the config - run is the number of the run
This folder contains:
- The config file of this run
- Folder results. It contains .json files with the logged progress of all individuals of the population (see details below).
- [Optional, if the argument
in the config exists and is set to True] Folder models which contains all models trained during the search process.
- Keys of this json are the epoch numbers at which the model was evaluated
- At each epoch of evaluation the following information is logged:
- Wall-clock time when the evaluation was performed
- Validation score (for all objectives)
- Test score (for all objectives)
- Model hyperparameters at the time of evaluation (a dictionary with variable names as the keys)
Example of results collection and processing is provided in Jupyter Notebook:
title={Multi-Objective Population Based Training},
author={Arkadiy Dushatskiy and Alexander Chebykin and Tanja Alderliesten and Peter A. N. Bosman},