Releases: AzHicham/openslide-rs
Releases · AzHicham/openslide-rs
2.3.0 (2024-11-15)
Bug Fixes
- deps: update cargo (#180) (8c9e211)
- deps: update cargo (#187) (ba41816)
- deps: update rust crate regex to v1.11.0 (3c0eddd)
Miscellaneous Chores
- config: migrate renovate config (#182) (88bf547)
- deps: update pre-commit hook pre-commit/pre-commit to v4 (#190) (646fa08)
- deps: update pre-commit hook pre-commit/pre-commit-hooks to v5 (#183) (c4263bc)
- deps: update pre-commit hook renovatebot/pre-commit-hooks to v38.120.1 (5a4cc4f)
- deps: update pre-commit hook renovatebot/pre-commit-hooks to v38.130.0 (#181) (51f8aa3)
- deps: update pre-commit hook renovatebot/pre-commit-hooks to v39 (#184) (22a2c55)
- deps: update rust crate rstest to 0.23 (83b8a18)
2.2.0 (2024-09-25)
Bug Fixes
- deps: update cargo (#163) (ee20e4e)
- deps: update rust crate libc to v0.2.158 (#168) (78e2d59)
- update openslide-sys (0b4c89d)
Miscellaneous Chores
- deps: update peter-evans/create-pull-request action to v7 (#171) (d395e46)
- deps: update pre-commit (#164) (c9df7d5)
- deps: update pre-commit hook renovatebot/pre-commit-hooks to v38 (#165) (7fa0b42)
- deps: update pre-commit hook renovatebot/pre-commit-hooks to v38.47.0 (#169) (3c27257)
- deps: update pre-commit hook renovatebot/pre-commit-hooks to v38.72.1 (#170) (4dc18ac)
- deps: update pre-commit hook renovatebot/pre-commit-hooks to v38.86.0 (#172) (7f0ab30)
- deps: update pre-commit hook renovatebot/pre-commit-hooks to v38.93.5 (#174) (b40ccea)
2.1.1 (2024-07-18)
Bug Fixes
- deps: update cargo (#151) (ee065c4)
- deps: update rust crate lazy_static to v1.5.0 (#154) (e598851)
- deps: update rust crate thiserror to v1.0.62 (#155) (b8f2190)
- preserve aspect ratio in thumbnail (#157) (24192c1)
- fix benchmark push (#158) (b5173ea)
- fix benchmark workflow (3aabafe)
- fix permission in benchmark workflow (#159) (1b2a977)
Miscellaneous Chores
- clippy maintenance (#162) (3b2699b)
- deps: cargo update (#160) (7ab8c8f)
- deps: update pre-commit hook renovatebot/pre-commit-hooks to v37.412.1 (#152) (ff237f7)
- deps: update pre-commit hook renovatebot/pre-commit-hooks to v37.425.1 (#153) (4aaba06)
- deps: update pre-commit hook renovatebot/pre-commit-hooks to v37.432.0 (#156) (4819403)
2.0.2 (2024-04-11)
Bug Fixes
- deps: update cargo (#142) (bb9a738)
- deps: update rust crate fast_image_resize to v3 (#138) (730f2a3)
Miscellaneous Chores
- Create (0b19216)
- deps: update codecov/codecov-action action to v4 (#136) (8f02378)
- deps: update peter-evans/create-pull-request action to v6 (#137) (48a2ff5)
- deps: update pre-commit (#135) (d8905c5)
- deps: update pre-commit (#143) (2e4494e)
- deps: update pre-commit (#144) (be2357c)
- deps: update pre-commit hook renovatebot/pre-commit-hooks to v37.214.0 (#139) (34bdd82)
- deps: update pre-commit hook renovatebot/pre-commit-hooks to v37.227.1 (#140) (bb15185)
- deps: update rust crate rstest to 0.19 (#145) (aa98ab3)
2.0.1 (2024-01-24)
Bug Fixes
- Enable renovate pre-commit (#123) (de7165c)
- Run tests for feature openslide4 (#126) (4946fa1)
- Schedule renovate update (#128) (e68f31e)
- Update release workflow (#121) (81e77aa)
Miscellaneous Chores
- deps: update actions/cache action to v4 (#132) (0fdbbc2)
- deps: update pre-commit (#124) (1152138)
- deps: update pre-commit hook renovatebot/pre-commit-hooks to v37.104.0 (#127) (4aeb295)
- deps: update pre-commit hook renovatebot/pre-commit-hooks to v37.112.0 (#129) (8436475)
- deps: update pre-commit hook renovatebot/pre-commit-hooks to v37.127.0 (#130) (ca947ab)
- deps: update pre-commit hook renovatebot/pre-commit-hooks to v37.149.1 (#131) (842988d)
- update deps (#133) (a4807f8)
What's Changed
- build(deps): bump fast_image_resize from 2.7.1 to 2.7.3 by @dependabot in #73
- build(deps): bump libc from 0.2.142 to 0.2.144 by @dependabot in #72
- build(deps): bump regex from 1.8.1 to 1.8.3 by @dependabot in #75
- build(deps): bump libc from 0.2.144 to 0.2.146 by @dependabot in #78
- build(deps): bump regex from 1.8.3 to 1.8.4 by @dependabot in #77
- fix(deps): update rust crate regex to 1.9 by @renovate in #83
- chore(deps): update rust crate rstest to 0.18 by @renovate in #80
- build(deps): bump thiserror from 1.0.40 to 1.0.44 by @dependabot in #86
- build(deps): bump regex from 1.9.0 to 1.9.1 by @dependabot in #85
- build(deps): bump rstest from 0.17.0 to 0.18.1 by @dependabot in #82
- build(deps): bump libc from 0.2.146 to 0.2.147 by @dependabot in #79
- build(deps): bump rstest from 0.18.1 to 0.18.2 by @dependabot in #90
- chore(deps): update dependency ubuntu to v22 by @renovate in #89
- build(deps): bump regex from 1.9.1 to 1.9.3 by @dependabot in #87
- build(deps): bump image from 0.24.6 to 0.24.7 by @dependabot in #88
- build(deps): bump thiserror from 1.0.44 to 1.0.45 by @dependabot in #91
- build(deps): bump regex from 1.9.3 to 1.9.4 by @dependabot in #94
- build(deps): bump thiserror from 1.0.45 to 1.0.47 by @dependabot in #93
- chore(deps): update actions/checkout action to v4 by @renovate in #97
- build(deps): bump regex from 1.9.4 to 1.9.5 by @dependabot in #96
- build(deps): bump thiserror from 1.0.47 to 1.0.48 by @dependabot in #95
- chore: Update rust toolchain in CI by @AzHicham in #100
- [Clippy] Code maintenance by @AzHicham in #101
- build(deps): bump libc from 0.2.147 to 0.2.148 by @dependabot in #98
- release: 1.2.1 by @AzHicham in #102
Full Changelog: 1.2.0...1.2.1
What's Changed
- ci(publish): Use @v1 of MeilCli/regex-match by @AzHicham in #47
- build(deps): bump thiserror from 1.0.38 to 1.0.39 by @dependabot in #49
- build(deps): bump rhysd/github-action-benchmark from 1.15.0 to 1.16.1 by @dependabot in #51
- build(deps): bump rhysd/github-action-benchmark from 1.16.1 to 1.16.2 by @dependabot in #52
- build(deps): bump libc from 0.2.139 to 0.2.140 by @dependabot in #53
- build(deps): bump rstest from 0.16.0 to 0.17.0 by @dependabot in #54
- build(deps): bump thiserror from 1.0.39 to 1.0.40 by @dependabot in #55
- build(deps): bump image from 0.24.5 to 0.24.6 by @dependabot in #57
- build(deps): bump regex from 1.7.1 to 1.7.3 by @dependabot in #58
- build(deps): bump fast_image_resize from 2.5.0 to 2.7.0 by @dependabot in #59
- build(deps): bump libc from 0.2.140 to 0.2.141 by @dependabot in #60
- build(deps): bump regex from 1.7.3 to 1.8.1 by @dependabot in #64
- build(deps): bump peter-evans/create-pull-request from 4 to 5 by @dependabot in #61
- chore(deps): Upgrade openslide-sys by @AzHicham in #66
- Configure Renovate by @renovate in #67
- chore: update ci by @AzHicham in #69
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 1.1.1...1.2.0
What's Changed
- [Clippy] Code maintenance by @AzHicham in #38
- build(deps): bump MeilCli/regex-match from 1.5.19 to 1.5.20 by @dependabot in #39
- build(deps): bump MeilCli/regex-match from 1.5.20 to 1.5.21 by @dependabot in #41
- build(deps): bump regex from 1.7.0 to 1.7.1 by @dependabot in #40
- build(deps): bump katyo/publish-crates from 1 to 2 by @dependabot in #42
- build(deps): bump fast_image_resize from 2.4.0 to 2.5.0 by @dependabot in #43
- build(deps): bump MeilCli/regex-match from 1.5.21 to 1.5.22 by @dependabot in #44
- bump(release): 1.1.1 by @AzHicham in #45
Full Changelog: 1.1.0...1.1.1