django_game_info is a Django app to collect data from game servers that respond to the A2S protocol defined at Examples of servers that follow this protocol include:
- Team Fortress 2 - Counter Strike: Source - Counter Strike: Global Offensive
the module provides a json feed which you can use to display lots of information about your servers, perfect to put in your sites sidebar.
Install with pip install django-game-info
Add "game_info" to your INSTALLED_APPS setting like this:
INSTALLED_APPS = [ ... 'game_info', ]
Include the game_info URLconf in your project like this
url(r'^game_info/', include('game_info.urls')),
Run python migrate to create the models
Start the development server and visit to add some servers (you'll need the Admin app enabled)
Run python update_game_info to gather information from your game server(s)
Visit to see a JSON feed of the gathered information