51 commits
to master
since this release
PallyPower Classic
v1.4.5-classic-alpha5 (2022-06-07)
Full Changelog Previous Releases
- clean up registered buckets when pallypower is disabled
- stop event registrations from piling up each time you go through a loading screen
- spaces -> tabs, i keep forgetting this uses tabs...
- fix an edge case bug with cooldown scanning; closes #7
- set flyout button strata to DIALOG
- add toggle to hide high raid subgroups
- some misc cleanups
- third (and final) set of localization clean-ups
- second set of localization clean-ups
- first set of localization clean-ups
- spaces -> tabs for PallyPower.lua
- cleanup LibClassicDuration a bit
- left-clicking autobuff does not override small buffs unnecessarily
- left-clicking a class icon does not override small buffs unnecessarily