Session Consistency: Adds SessionTokenMismatchRetryPolicy optimization through customer supplied region switch hints #5560
1 error and 1 warning
Please follow the required format: \"[Internal] Category: (Adds|Fixes|Refactors|Removes) Description\"<br /><br /> Internal should be used for PRs that have no customer impact. This flag is used to help generate the changelog to know which PRs should be included. Examples:<br /> Diagnostics: Adds GetElapsedClientLatency to CosmosDiagnostics<br/> PartitionKey: Fixes null reference when using default(PartitionKey)<br/> [v4] Client Encryption: Refactors code to external project<br/> [Internal] Query: Adds code generator for CosmosNumbers for easy additions in the future.<br/>
ubuntu-latest pipelines will use ubuntu-24.04 soon. For more details, see