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Releases: BCLab-UNM/SwarmBaseCode-ROS

Bug fix: pick up problems

23 Oct 23:13
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Fixed the gripper twitching bug and generally improves the performance of the pick up routine.

Fixed target distance calculation

23 Oct 22:12
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Fixes a bug in the pickup controller where the rover thinks the distance to target is always zero.

Manual Gripper Control Hotfix

19 Oct 20:58
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Since Kinetic Kame, manual gripper control has been unpredictable. The fix was to remove the previous timer based commands in the joystick adapter class and publish gripper commands as soon as joystick data comes in. This increase in the rate of messages caused the USB connection to the Arduino to be lost so I added a throttle of 10 Hz to gripper commands being processed by ABridge.

Manual Driving Bug Fix

18 Oct 18:02
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The logic for manual control was duplicated in different packages resulting in incorrect behaviour. Removed the duplicate code from abridge.

Fixed joystick driving

11 Oct 20:05
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The joystick drive control was incorrect making it so you had to hold the joystick at 45 degrees to move forward.

Fixes a crash on exit when the popout map is open.

11 Oct 20:00
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Merge pull request #78 from BCLab-UNM/hotfix-gui-segfault-on-close

Don't crash on close when popout map is open

Waypoints work in the popout map now.

10 Oct 19:15
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Merge pull request #76 from BCLab-UNM/hotfix-popout-map-waypoints

Hotfix popout map waypoints

Hotfix: info log messages from popout map not displayed

10 Oct 16:49
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The qt signal named sendInfoLogMessage() in the popout_mapframe object was not connected to the rover GUI slot. The solution was to forward the signal through the parent map frame to the GUI.

Beta: Waypoints and Unique Rover Colours Work Together

07 Oct 07:13
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The merge of GUI improvements and the manual waypoints interface conflicted. The problems have been corrected in this release.

This is the first release in the beta phase of the Swarmathon base code release cycle.

Scripts now support rebooting multiple rovers at once

07 Oct 04:10
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Merge pull request #48 from BCLab-UNM/StartupScripts

Startup scripts