by Bernardo & Silvi
Task Management System.
404 - As a user I want to see a nice 404 page when I go to a page that doesn’t exist so that I know it was my fault
500 - As a user I want to see a nice error page when the super team screws it up so that I know that is not my fault
homepage - As a user I want to be able to access the homepage so that I see what the app is about and login and signup
sign up - As a user I want to sign up on the webpage so that I can see all the tasks that I must accomplish
login - As a user I want to be able to log in on the webpage so that I can get back to my account
logout - As a user I want to be able to log out from the webpage so that I can make sure no one will access my account
user task list - As a user I want to see all the tasks available so that I can work it out
manager task list - As a manager I want to see all the tasks pending so that I can plan it
task create - As a manager I want to create a task so that I can assign it to an employee
task detail - As a user I want to see the task description
task edit - As a user I want to be able to edit the status of the task
List of other features outside of the MVPs scope
- Responsiveness
- User delete
- renders the landing page with log in and sign up
GET /signup
- renders the signup landing page to choose type of user and department
- body:
- name
- password
- department
- userType
POST /signup
- body:
- name
- department
- password
- userType
- redirects to /login if successful
- body:
GET /login
- renders login form
POST /login
- body:
- username
- password
- redirects to respective dashboard
- body:
GET /manager/
- renders
GET /manager/add-task
- renders form to add a task
POST /manager/add-task
- body:
- title
- description
- department
- status
- asignTo
- asignBy
- redirect to profile
- body:
GET /manager/:taskId/edit
- renders task-detail page (add-task page with prefilled values)
POST /manager/:taskId/edit
- body:
- any changes made
- redirect to /manager with edited task
- body:
GET /manager/:taskId/delete
- deletes task with that unique id
GET /user
- renders user dashboard showing tasks they've been asigned to
GET /user/:taskId/edit
- renders task-detail page (add-task page with prefilled values)
POST /user/:taskId/edit
- body:
- any changes made
- redirect to /profile with edited task
- body:
User model
username: String password: String department: String, enum userType: String, enum timestamp: true
Task model
title: String description: String department: String, enum status: String, enum asignTo: ObjectId asignBy: ObjectId
Link url