A simple tool to monitor a process group and record its CPU, MEM and time usage.
> make # to make PGM
> make clean # to remove PGM
./PGM pgid [pgid_num_to_monitor]
For example, if pgid is 100:
./PGM pgid 100
Note that you can use the following command to find the pgid for XXX
ps -A -o stat,pid,pgid,cmd | grep XXX
./PGM file_to_run args_list
For example, if you want to run
./test.sh 10 # this test.sh needs 1 parameter
and monitor its CPU, MEM and time usage, then you can simply run:
./PGM ./test.sh 10
the name of log file : cmd + pid + start_time .
any character in cmd that is neither a digit nor an alphabet will become a '_' like:
./detail_report.sh pglog_*
The report looks like
log_file: pglog_xxx
cmd 14994 classify --hap paternal.unique.filter.mer --hap maternal.unique.filter.mer --thread 30 --read rel3-nanopore-wgs.fastq --format fastq
MEM_max 21823048 KB
CPU_max 2782
real_time 5435 seconds
cpu_time 130997 seconds
log_file: pglog_14994_awk__print__2___83594_1590736593
cmd 14994 awk {print $2}
MEM_max 9936 KB
CPU_max 45.8
real_time 7 seconds
cpu_time 3.185 seconds
You will get a report like
Total report begin ==========
MEM_max 327149736 KB.
CPU_max 1443 threads.
TIME 327149736 seconds.
Total report end ==========
Or if your want check a specific command :
tail -n 6 your_log_file_name
You will get a report like
### Final report 1538103946 ###
cmd /share/app/bwa-0.7.12/bwa index chr19_standard.contig
pid 206046
CPU_max 98.5
MEM_max 126148
TIME 41 seconds
If you want more information other than just a simple report, then you can read the whole log file and get information for each snapshot.
The default value is 5 seconds per snapshot.
If a different frequency is desired, then you can try to modify the codes of sleep function.