An easy-to-use and easy-to-analysis simulator for stLFR reads.
cd YOUR-INSTALL-DIR/main && make && cd -
cd YOUR-INSTALL-DIR/bin && stLFRSim --help && cd -
Distribution file contain the expected-discrete-distribution information. It is a three columns format and each column refers to :
- areaBegin
- areaLength
- areaWeight
The random engine will first choose an areaBegin by areaWeight, then it random choose a final result from areaBegin to areaBegin+areaLength -1 .
Here is an example of distribution file
300 50 50
350 100 30
450 200 20
And the corresponding distribution looks like :
|*| _
|*| |*| _
|*| |*| |*|
|*| |*| |*|
./bin/stLFRSim args
--ref [required] [ string arg ] reference fasta file
--o_prefix [required] [ string arg ] output file prefix . print into o_prefix.1.fq && o_prefix.2.fq
--lr_length_distribution [required] [ string arg ] distribution file of long read length
--pe_num_distribution [required] [ string arg ] distribution file of number of read-pair in 1 long read
--if_lenth_distribution [required] [ string arg ] distribution file of insert fragment length
--readpair_num [required] [ long arg ] total number of final generated read-pairs
--mutation_rate [optional] [ float arg ] mutation rate [ default= 0.005 ]
--insert_percent [optional] [ float arg ] insert percent [ default= 0.005 ]
--delete_percent [optional] [ float arg ] delete percent [ default= 0.005 ]
--substitute_percent [optional] [ float arg ] substitute percent [ default= 0.99 ]
--max_slr_cov [optional] [ float arg ] max single long read cov [ default= 0.5 ]
--read_len [optional] [ int arg ] read length [ default= 100 ]
- running example
stLFRSim_Main --ref chr19.fa --o_prefix testsim --lr_length_distribution lr_length_dis.txt --pe_num_distribution pe_num_dis.txt --if_lenth_distribution pe_length_dis.txt --readpair_num 15000000
- format details
To simplify the explanation , I need to define some symbol first :
Ri : a pair of "read1 and read2" , index by i .
IFi : the insert fragment that generate Ri .
LFi : the long sequence framgment that generate IFi .
RSi : the reference sequence that generate IFi .
The first line of the fastq format contain below information :
Column 1 : @read_name#barcode_name/[1 or 2 ] .
Column 2 : barcode_num .
Column 3 : the sequence name of RSi .
Column 4 : the sequence length of RSi .
Column 5 : the start postion of LFi in RSi , index start from 0 .
Column 6 : the length of LFi in RSi
Column 7 : the start postion of IFi in LFi , index start from 0 .
Column 8 : the length of IFi in LFi .
Column 9 : the CIGAR string about how read mutation .
- read1 example
@stlfrsim_1#barcode_1/1 1 chr19 59128983 55629801 48983 11651 592 8=1X39=1X51=
@stlfrsim_2#barcode_1/1 1 chr19 59128983 55629801 48983 27896 385 100=
- read2 example
@stlfrsim_1#barcode_1/2 1 chr19 59128983 55629801 48983 11651 592 100=
@stlfrsim_2#barcode_1/2 1 chr19 59128983 55629801 48983 27896 385 100=
@stlfrsim_3#barcode_1/2 1 chr19 59128983 55629801 48983 35530 525 82=1X9=1X7=