Explore the Julia Set of the Mandelbrot Set using MATLAB and a capable NVIDIA GPU.
This application allows you to explore the Julia Set of the Mandelbrot Set in MATLAB with the help of a capable NVIDIA GPU. It is primarily intended as a demonstration of element-wise calculations using MATLAB and a GPU, however it also has some fun features:
- Use the normal MATLAB zoom and pan to browse the Julia Set
- Drag or click to select the location in the Mandelbrot Set for which the Julia Set is rendered
- Sit back and watch the app move around the Mandelbrot Set on a pre-stored path (zoom and pan still work)
This demo app requires:
- MATLAB R2016b or better (v9.1 or higher)
- Parallel Computing Toolbox
- An NVIDIA GPU with CUDA Compute Capability 3.0 or higher
From MATLAB, type "juliaSetExplorer" to launch the application.
From MATLAB, type "help juliaSetExplorer" to view the help for the application.