- clone repo into wherever
mv nvim ~/.config/
(backup your nvim config before hand!)- install neovim, wget and npm for plugins / lsps / mason
brew install neovim npm wget
//sudo pacman -S neovim npm wget
// you know your 'puter than me - install packer (plugin manager)
git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/wbthomason/packer.nvim \ ~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim
nvim -c "exec :normal! :source lua/lio/packer.lua '"
- dont worry about the errors, this is happening because all configs for plugins are already in place but the plugins themselves have not yet been installed
- Now install plaugins via PackerSync
now all plugins are getting installed, the configurations are already in place!
- make it nice and easy
echo "alias v='$(which nvim)" >> ~/.zshrc
- to make it even nicer to find your projects use this little alias as well
alias fp='(file=$(find ~/Git -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d | fzf); [ -n "$file" ] && cd "$file" && v .)'
(You can add more directories and/or adjustthe maxdepth for deeper nested structures)
and now you have a pretty decent neovim config!
There is a branch for Templ integration, it is working but you need to install the templ binary so please read the templ documentation prior (https://templ.guide/commands-and-tools/ide-support/)