Discover an MP3 player entirely in Python!
MP3 player entirely in python. Operates via a Tkinter interface and pygame module.
Add-on module :
- os
- mutagen
Module version :
- Tkinter = Undefined
- pygame = 2.5.1
- mutagen = 1.46.0
It's also possible to save the file as an executable so you can have it on your computer!
All you need to do is install the following module:
- pyinstaller
And run the following command in the main console (not the python console!):
- pyinstaller --noconsole --onefile -i icone.ico
In your python project, you'll build two additional folders with the names "build" and "dist" and a "Music-player.spec" file. You can delete the "build" folder after executing the command line above. The "dist" folder contains the project executable file. You can relocate it if you wish, to make it more accessible.
The "Music-player.spec" file can be removed from the project.
For download the installer, folow this link :