If you don't know what dice-generated passphrases are, see: https://www.eff.org/dice. If you try using them more than once, you'll see why having the tables in this format is helpful.
- These pdf (and word .docx) have four columns per page, which means that each page corresponds to the first two rolls.
- Other than the handy format change, content is entirely copied from the
, available at https://www.eff.org/dice and included here for reference. - Original "diceware" page AFAIK: https://theworld.com/~reinhold/diceware.html - please see changelog below.
- EFF_dice_large_wordlist_4col.docx
- EFF_dice_large_wordlist_4col.pdf
Both of the above files were generated/checked by me in 2020 and re-scanned on https://virustotal.com asof 2023/09/16.
SECURITY 101: Just because I posted a thing on github and said "it's all good" doesn't mean you can trust me.
included from theworld.com/~reinhold/diceware.html in 2020 - REASON: Behavioral analysis triggered one low-level IDS rule:
Matches rule ET INFO Observed Google DNS over HTTPS Domain (dns .google in TLS SNI) at Proofpoint Emerging Threats Open
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