Install ROS acording to your distribuiton:
ROS Instalation page can be found here.
Install all dependencies:
sudo apt install python-catkin-tools
sudo apt install -y ros-$ROS_DISTRO-joy ros-$ROS_DISTRO-joy-teleop ros-$ROS_DISTRO-mavlink libgeographic-dev ros-$ROS_DISTRO-geographic-msgs gdal-bin libgdal-dev wget geographiclib-tools libgeographic-dev gstreamer1.0-tools libgstreamer1.0-dev
sudo cp /opt/ros/$ROS_DISTRO/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/roslaunch/
NOTE: It's recommended too add a SSH key to your gitlab account.
cd <your_workspace_path>/src
git clone -b newVersion [email protected]:drones/ros1/heifu-uav/heifu.git
cd heifu
git submodule update --init --recursive
Run the script in:
sudo ./control/mavros/mavros/scripts/
catkin config --blacklist collision_avoidance gpu_voxels_ros planner planners_manager rrt
Follow instructions on packages:
- interface/gcs-interface
- sensing/gpu_voxels_ros (ignore if last step was taken)
At last, compile your workspace:
catkin build
echo 'source <your_workspace_path>/devel/setup.bash' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
roslaunch heifu-bringup heifu_bringup.launch argVehicle:="heifu" argID:=0 argSimulation:=false
GCS Interface: Interface for converting commands and information from and to a remote control station, respectively.
Waypoint Manager: Reads mission files from the UAV and sends them to the respective nodes. Allows following a mission in guided mode.
GNSS Utils: Auxiliary to the Waypoints manager package. Converts global coordinates to local coordinates.
Planners: Responsible for finding a collision-free path to the desired waypoint.
Collision Avoidance: Deals with the information from the perception sensors and ensures the safety of the UAV.
Priority Manager: Receives all setpoints from the respective packages. Responsible for managing the priorities of each package, sending always the command with the highest priority to the navigation controller.
Mavros Commands: Responsible for general flight commands handling, such as takeoff, land, and mode changes.
Navigation Controller: Responsible for controlling and completing given waypoints. Can be used with position setpoints or velocity setpoints. Guarantees that the requested position is achieved. Can receive a velocity bypass setpoint.
Mavros: Responsible for the comunication between ROS and the flight controller firmware. Uses the MAVlink protocol.