- Download cuda and set the sourcing in the bashrc
export PATH="/usr/local/cuda-XX.X/bin:$PATH"
nvcc --version
sudo prime-select nvidia
prime-select query
- clone github repo (setup ssh keys):
connect the ssh keys
git clone [email protected]:BadrEssabri/UnetTumorSegment.git
- Download required packages: dont use pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install torch torchvision torchaudio
pip install h5py matplotlib tqdm
- Download dataset from Google Drive (train_brain and val_brain):
pip install gdown
cd UnetTumorSegment/data/train_brain
gdown --id 1_ePoCdcF6qOVp5SDPRffG7nwMLjvUaJm
unzip train_brain.zip
rm -rf train_brain.zip
gdown --id 13KCXTn1_fD9f-oLq9FIf5e8LeaUgJjot
unzip val_brain.zip
rm -rf val_brain.zip
- Check all the paths in the python program
- Run the program
python3 ./train.py
- Check if no errors occur
To run the program, even if you closed the VM, you need to run the script as a background process and save the outputs in a text file.
- Get location of python version
which python
- Start the background process
nohup <absolute path to anaconda python> -u <absolute path to python script> > outputfile.txt &
- Check if the outputfile.txt contains the output of the program, if not something went wrong
cat outputfile.txt
- Check if the process is running in the background, you should see multiple running process
ps aux | grep <Name of running script>
- If you want to check the status of your program at a later time
cat outputfile.txt
If the program is finished, download the results (weights of the model)