LogoFx is an Antlr grammar, made for NF11 course, that recongnize basics words in order to make a drawing pointer move. A window allow the user to write orders and to see the drawing.
The language created and understood by the grammar is Logo, a somewhat similar language to the turtle graphics Framework in python. (LogoFx have much less capabilities, it's a student project).
The compiler detects and warns the user about some syntax errors listed in ErrorTypes.java
Warning : This was designed to run under a Windows environnement, adaption for linux is on my TODO list
You will need JavaFx 11 or more to run and compile this project
You can download it here : https://gluonhq.com/products/javafx/
Extract the archive's lib
folder and rename it "javafx".
Put the javafx
folder in the lib
Run anltr-parse.bat
and antlr-generate.bat
If you use an IDE like IntelliJ or Eclipse
You simply have to precise the librairies to use, which are contained in the lib
Then hit Build
If you use javac
Within the project folder, run in the terminal :
javac -cp /lib/*.jar:lib/javafx/* src/*
It should do the trick
If you use an IDE like IntelliJ or Eclipse
Make sure that the project selected main method is the one in logogui.LogoApplication
Hit the Run button
If you use java
Within the project folder, run in the terminal :
java -cp lib/*.jar:lib/javafx/*:bin/* logogui.Application
A window should appear, you made it !
On the left, it is the panel where you write instructions in Logo, the only recognized language.
On the right, you can choose between the tree vision, that make you see the tree generated to explore your instruction, and you can choose to see the generated drawing
On the bottom is a prompt, to warn you about errors, completion of the task and others minors things.
On the bottom-left, there is the control panel, where you can push buttons to run your instructions, clean the Tree Tab or stop a execution.
Here is an exemple of how the tree is generated after a try.
Even if the execution is a failure, the tree will be generated
The .g4
file is in the grammar
folder. This file describe the syntax awaited by the program to draw.
This is read by the antlr library and JAVA files are generated with the anltr-parse.bat
and antlr-generate.bat
The source files created will call specifics functions within the LogoTreeVisitor.java
whenever an expression is recognized by the grammar.
The called functions will then executed specifics actions such as move the cursor, start a loop, divide a number or store a varible.