To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first.
- Swift 4.
- Xcode 9+.
BancardVposConnector is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'BancardVposConnector'
Using this connector is straightforward:
1- Import BancardVposConnector
on your swift file.
2- Create either a new CardVPOSView
or CheckoutVPOSView
and add it to your view hierarchy. These views work as any other UIView, so feel free to create it via storyboard, xib or code.
3- Set your view's mode
to .sandbox
or .production
4- Implement it's delegate (CardVPOSDelegate
or CheckoutVPOSDelegate
) to listen to the success and failure callbacks.
5- You are now good to go! Just call myView.load(with: processId, styles: [:])
to start using it.
import BancardVposConnector
class ViewController: UIViewController {
The container view where we are going to add our VPOSView,
in this case, a CheckoutVPOSView to make a payment.
You could use a direct outlet yo the CheckoutVPOSView,
or init it completely by code.
@IBOutlet weak var vPOSContainer: UIView!
// Here we init our VPOSView in sandbox mode.
lazy var vPView: VPOSView = {
let vpView = CheckoutVPOSView()
vpView.delegate = self
vpView.mode = .sandbox
return vpView
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Add the neccessary constraints and other code of your own ....
//Your VC's code .....
// Here we implement the CheckoutVPOSDelegate
extension ViewController: CheckoutVPOSDelegate {
func paymentFailed(with returnURL: String) {
// Continue with your own logic for processing the returnURL when the payment fails.
func paymentSuccess(with returnURL: String) {
// Continue with your own logic for processing the returnURL when the payment succeeds.
If you needs more details, please check out the example project in this repository.
Mauricio Cousillas, [email protected]
BancardVposConnector is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.