The goal of Terrafold is to provide a convenience tool to help auto the scaffolding of AWS Lambdas, and their associated Terraform files.
A new lambda can be achieved by creating a simple json file in the repo root or, preferably, in the lambda directory root:
"name": "new-lambda",
"description": "new lambda description",
"triggers": ["api","invoke","sns","sqs"],
"overwrite": false
This tool is extremely opinionated, by design. It was written for a specific group of developers I work with and as such follows and enforces their particular application structure pattern.
The name TerraFold is the playful combination of Terra
form and Scaffold
- newprofile - creates a new TerraFold profile json file.
- scaffold - takes the named profile json and creates the handlers and iac files. Will not overwrite unless
flag in profile is set to true. - bumpsemver - will search a named json file for
, and increment the patch number. - dumptemplates - writes the embedded template files to a folder named
Download this repo, and then run:
go build -o /usr/local/bin/terrafold ./cmd/cli/main.go
If you do not build directly to /usr/local/bin
, you need to move or otherwise assure terrafold
is somewhere in your execution path.