Shell script I made to make work in/with terminal easier. The easiest way to use them is to add them to your .bashrc/.zshrc .
Currently avaible scripts:
- namefix - change uppercase letters to lowercase and/or remove spaces in files and directory names in pwd
- sprint - helps to manage your weekly sprint by creating a list of tasks that need to be done
Browsing files/directories with uppercase latters and spaces in their names might be annoying. At the same time manual changing of each name is time consuming. To avoid all of that I made a script that changes all files and directories names in your pwd.
Usage: namefix -cs
- c - remove capital letters
- s - remove spaces
sprint -[p/n/w ] -r -u -[s/a ]
- p - present week
- n - next week
- w - specified week (ex.42)
- r - remove task from line
- u - update your current week with uncompleted tasks from previous week
- s - show task (by deafult current week). When combined with -p/n/w flags shows tasks from another week
- a - adds a new task (by default to current week). When combined with -p/n/w flags adds tasks to another week
All tasks are stored in .sprint file created and updated by the function