⚠ These scripts has been modified to meet my needs.
⚠ Take care to read through the scripts if you intend to make use of them.
See Requirements.
Packages installed via Pacstrap in this script:
base | base-devel | linux | linux-firmware | e2fsprogs | dosfstools | networkmanager | wget |
man-db | man-pages | nano | vim | dhcpcd | open-vm-tools | openssh | grub |
efibootmgr | os-prober | git |
- UEFI mode must be used, this script is not written to work with legacy BIOS
Value | Example/Default | Comment |
Disk | sda | Set the disk name to be used (To find your disk, run lsblk ) |
Boot Partition | 300M | Set your desired EFI boot partition size. Must be in the format "300M" or "1G" etc |
SWAP Partition | 16G | Set your desired SWAP partition size. Must be in the format "300M" or "1G" etc |
root Password | MyPassword | Set your root password |
User Name | johndoe | Set your non root username (will be auto added to SUDOers) |
User Password | MyPassword | Set your user password for the user created above |
Hostname | arch | Set the system hostname |
Timezone | Australia/Sydney | Set your country timezone, must have the following format: Zone/SubZone |
Reflector Country | Australia | This sets the country to be used by the reflector script. Reflector is a Python script which can retrieve the most up-to-date package mirrors See Reflector Country List for valid entires |
Name | Type | Mountpoint | Size |
sda1 | disk | ||
├─sda1 | part | /boot | 300M / Set custom via variables |
├─sda2 | part | SWAP | 16G / Set custom via variables |
└─sda3 | part | / | Remaining |
- Read User Input for required information
- Update system clock
- Apply country mirrors via reflector
- Sync package database
- Create partition tables
- Format / partition and Mount it
- Format /boot partition
- Enable swap
- Install Arch Linux
- Generate fstab
- Configure new system
- Set Time Zone
- Set locales
- Set hostname
- Set root password
- Create new user
- Enable DHCP (dhcpcd)
- Enable NetworkManager
- Enable Open VM Tools
- Enable OpenSSH
- Add user as a sudoer
- Install GRUB Bootloader
- Generate Hosts File
- Unmount Partions
- Arch Linux is ready
- Read User Input for required information and optional tasks
- Sync package database
- reflector - Install and configure mirrors for country set in variable
- "Optional" UFW (Uncomplicated Firewall)
- Install common apps: git, htop, p7zip, ripgrep, unzip, unrar
- "Optional" Install yay (AUR helper)
- Ricing bash
- "Optional" Install Zsh and Oh My Zsh
- Create user folders (xdg-user-dirs)
- Fonts
Value | Example/Default | Comment |
User Password | MyPassword | The non-root user password is required for SUDO |
Reflector Country | Australia | This sets the country to be used by the reflector script. Reflector is a Python script which can retrieve the most up-to-date package mirrors See Reflector Country List for valid entires |
ufw "Optional" | "Y" / N | "UFW" (Uncomplicated Firewall), Optional Installation |
yay "Optional" | "Y" / N | "yay" AUR Helper, Optional Installation |
zsh "Optional" | "Y" / N | "Zsh" along with "Oh My Zsh", Optional Installation |
- Download and boot into the latest Arch Linux iso
- Connect to the internet. Assuming the use of DHCP, in which case this should be automatically done.
- Sync repos:
pacman -Sy
and install wgetpacman -S wget
wget -O install
- VM Installwget -O install
- XPS Install- Make the script executable:
chmod +x install
- Run the script:
- Shutdown and unmount boot Arch Linux ISO.
- Boot into your new install of Arch Linux
- Login as non root user
- Clone the Arch Auto Install Scripts:
git clone
- Change into the dir:
cd arch-auto-install/
- Make the scripts executable:
chmod +x *
- Run post-install script:
- Optionally, chose a Desktop Environment to install by running the required script.
- Optionally, setup a Static IP by running
(Network Manager Text User Interface)
Country | Country Code |
Australia | AU |
Austria | AT |
Bangladesh | BD |
Belarus | BY |
Belgium | BE |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | BA |
Brazil | BR |
Bulgaria | BG |
Canada | CA |
Chile | CL |
China | CN |
Colombia | CO |
Croatia | HR |
Czechia | CZ |
Denmark | DK |
Ecuador | EC |
Finland | FI |
France | FR |
Georgia | GE |
Germany | DE |
Greece | GR |
Hong Kong | HK |
Hungary | HU |
Iceland | IS |
India | IN |
Indonesia | ID |
Iran | IR |
Ireland | IE |
Israel | IL |
Italy | IT |
Japan | JP |
Kazakhstan | KZ |
Kenya | KE |
Latvia | LV |
Lithuania | LT |
Luxembourg | LU |
Netherlands | NL |
New Caledonia | NC |
New Zealand | NZ |
North Macedonia | MK |
Norway | NO |
Pakistan | PK |
Paraguay | PY |
Philippines | PH |
Poland | PL |
Portugal | PT |
Romania | RO |
Russia | RU |
Serbia | RS |
Singapore | SG |
Slovakia | SK |
Slovenia | SI |
South Africa | ZA |
South Korea | KR |
Spain | ES |
Sweden | SE |
Switzerland | CH |
Taiwan | TW |
Thailand | TH |
Turkey | TR |
Ukraine | UA |
United Kingdom | GB |
United States | US |
Vietnam | VN |