Content (Pages, Posts, Comments, etc) Server for smoothie-web
Requires NodeJS v12, there is a Dockerfile provided.
Don't forget to set these environment variables
GET "/pages" - Returns a PageResponse with all pages.
POST "/pages" - Accepts a JSON Page object in the body, and creates that page. Returns an empty PageResponse.
PUT "/pages" - Accepts a JSON PageUpdateRequest object, which consists of an updated Page object, and the slug to be updated.
GET "/pages/{slug}" - Returns a PageResponse with a single page (by slug).
GET "/pages/rendered/{slug}" - Returns a PageResponse with a single page, that is rendered with EJS and Markdown support. A JSON object in the request body will be passed to EJS.
GET "/navs/{parent}" - Returns a PageResponse with all pages with the specified parent, and has "display_on_nav" set to to true.
{"status": true, "error": "", "pages": []}
"id": 1,
"slug": "hello-world",
"date": "2020-01-07T05:00:00.000Z",
"display_on_nav": 1,
"parent": 0,
"nav_title": "Hello World",
"title": "Hello World Page",
"meta": "This is a test page.",
"content": "<em>This is some coool content.</em>"