Instructions copied and adjusted from the original blog article
On Clever Cloud, go to Create -> an add-on -> PostgreSQL -> DEV. Enter a name and you are ready for the database.
Then create a Redis add-on, go to Create -> an add-on -> Redis -> S. Enter a name and your Redis is going to be ready in a few seconds.
Finally, in order to ease the configuration management, go to Create -> an add-on -> Configuration Management -> Standard. Enter a name and your Configuration is going to be ready in a few seconds.
Once these 3 addons are ready, go to the configuration management add-on, and add the 2 following lines:
# BROKER_URL is the URL of your Redis + /0 at the end.
BROKER_URL=redis://:[email protected]:3780/0
CC_POST_BUILD_HOOK=npm run build
Go to Create -> an application -> select your GitHub repo -> NodeJS -> Select the instance size (XS is ok) -> enter the name and the description and click on create. Click on I don't need any addons. Then you can define your environment variables.
You need to add the following environment variable:
CC_RUN_COMMAND="npm run webserver"
Then you need to link the 3 previous services:
- PostgreSQL
- Redis
- Configuration management
Then you want to copy all environment variables from the webserver locally.
You can use the CLI for this : clever env --add-export > .env
Once it's done, we want to prepare the database. Run the following command on your host:
export .env && bash db upgrade
When it's done, relaunch the deployment of the web server, and it should work!
Now you have your Airflow Webserver ready, but you want to have access to it. Very simple:
bash users create \
--username admin \
--firstname Peter \
--lastname Parker \
--role Admin \
--email [email protected]
Once the webserver is up, we want to deploy the scheduler. As the scheduler does not have a web interface, we are going to cheat: we are going to launch a dummy python on port 8080 and launch the scheduler as a CC_WORKER.
Go to Create -> an application -> select your GitHub repo -> NodeJS -> Select the instance size (XS is ok) -> enter the name and the description and click on create. Click on I don't need any addons. Then you can define your environment variables.
You need to add the following environment variable:
CC_RUN_COMMAND="npm run http"
CC_WORKER_COMMAND="npm run scheduler"
Then you need to link the 4 previous services:
- PostgreSQL
- Redis
- Configuration management
- ElasticSearch
Once the webserver is up, we want to deploy the scheduler. As the scheduler does not have a web interface, we are going to cheat: we are going to launch a dummy python on port 8080 and launch the scheduler as a CC_WORKER.
Go to Create -> an application -> select your GitHub repo -> NodeJS -> Select the instance size (S is ok) -> enter the name and the description and click on create. Click on I don't need any addons. Then you can define your environment variables.
You need to add the following environment variable:
CC_RUN_COMMAND="npm run http"
CC_WORKER_COMMAND="npm run worker"
Then you need to link the 4 previous services:
- PostgreSQL
- Redis
- Configuration management
- ElasticSearch