Week 7 - Practice your React state skills by fetching and posting data to an API in a "twitter" like app called "Happy Thoughts".
Describe how you approached to problem: understanding the useEffect hook was more difficult for me that the useState hook that was studied last week. While going through the content, I coded along with the code coaches and compelted the team exercise before class.
My main problem in this app was to get the like/heart counter working. I had difficulty understanding the correct syntax for a fetch POST request and spent many hours practicing. I still do not understand in which line of code the actual data is sent to the API on POST.
How did you plan?: I first created my initial component structure, I decided to keep one .css file. When I decided to add the time/date information I created a new component.
What technologies did you use?: HTML5, CSS3, React, with Editor: VS Code
If you had more time, what would be next?: I would love to add a counter for the user to show how many likes they have made. This would remain updated even when they closed the program.
During our backend study we created our own database for Happy Thoughts with MongoDb, mongoose, postman and Mongo Atlas.
I deployed the backend here: https://project-happy-thoughts-api-n0pa.onrender.com/
The corresponding Week 15 project repo can be found here: https://github.com/BeckieMorton/project-happy-thoughts-api
See instructions of this project